{"id":19468,"date":"2024-02-09T16:32:33","date_gmt":"2024-02-09T16:32:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/10-realistic-ways-to-get-paid-to-lose-weight-apps-ideas-to-try\/"},"modified":"2024-05-24T19:43:35","modified_gmt":"2024-05-24T19:43:35","slug":"make-money-losing-weight","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/make-money-losing-weight\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Realistic Ways To Get Paid To Lose Weight – Apps & Ideas To Try"},"content":{"rendered":"

Losing weight is something that a lot of us struggle with at times.<\/p>\n

In fact, according to the CDC<\/a>, adult obesity rates have increased to over 40%<\/strong> across all different age groups.<\/p>\n

With full-time jobs, people to care for, spending time with friends, and having fun going out, it\u2019s not easy maintaining that fit lifestyle.<\/p>\n

However, if you want to stay healthy and even save more money<\/a>, getting into shape is certainly a smart move.<\/p>\n

Plus, thanks to apps that pay you to lose weight, you can even turn new healthy habits into a potential side hustle!<\/p>\n

In this article, we\u2019ll be going over a bunch of ways to make money losing weight! Hopefully, you will find an idea that motivates you enough to continue on your fitness journey.<\/p>\n

How Do Get Paid To Lose Weight Apps Work?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

We've covered apps that pay you to work out<\/a> before, and the idea behind this category of app is actually pretty genius.<\/p>\n

Apps that pay you to lose weight generally require you to bet on yourself to reach a certain fitness goal.<\/p>\n

If you reach that goal, you earn your money back plus interest<\/strong>…if you lose, the money is gone.<\/p>\n

Now, there have\u00a0been studies that show that financial incentives can help people lose weight<\/a>, which is part of why these apps can be effective.<\/p>\n

Similarly, there's a psychological concept known as loss aversion. Without getting into too much detail, this is basically the idea that people would rather \u201cnot lose\u201d $5 instead of winning $5.<\/p>\n

So, once your own money is on the line, you might be more likely to see a challenge through just to avoid losing your initial bet!<\/p>\n

Of course, you know yourself best, and this formula doesn't work for everyone. However, apps that pay you for losing weight have\u00a0some\u00a0<\/em>science behind them, so keep this in mind.<\/p>\n

The Best Ways to Get Paid To Lose Weight<\/strong><\/h2>\n

The best ways start with fitness apps that involve money in some way, shape, or form.<\/p>\n

Stay tuned for a few extra ideas at the end that could also aid in your money-making fitness journey.<\/p>\n

Each of these apps have their own little unique differences between them. However, most of the apps follow the same sort of methods to help you workout and get paid.<\/p>\n

1. HealthyWage<\/strong><\/h3>\n

HealthyWage<\/a><\/strong> is a platform that encourages users to improve their fitness and reach their weight loss goals by including financial incentives in the equation.<\/p>\n

HealthyWage works in 4 simple steps:<\/p>\n

  1. Calculate your prize using HealthyWage's weight loss calculator.<\/li>\n
  2. Make a bet on yourself to lose a certain amount of weight within a given timeframe.<\/li>\n
  3. Lose the weight and verify your results.<\/li>\n
  4. Cash out.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    \"HealthyWage-make-money-losing-weight\"<\/strong>When you place your bet, you have to deposit a minimum of $100. You must also lose at least 10% of your body weight in order for it to be a valid bet.<\/p>\n

    Your prize amount is also calculated based on a few factors such as BMI, time frame, weight, and betting price.<\/p>\n

    However, even a modest weight loss bet can usually earn around 7% to 11% return on your money<\/strong> if you complete your goal…which is comparable or even better\u00a0<\/em>than just leaving your money in the stock market.<\/p>\n

    Plus, the maximum amount you can earn is $10,000<\/strong> for completing a HealthyWage team challenge.<\/p>\n

    That\u2019s a huge incentive for someone on a big weight loss journey, and even smaller bets can pay out quite considerable.<\/p>\n

    Check out our HealthyWage review<\/a> for all the rules and details.<\/p>\n

    2. StepBet<\/strong><\/h3>\n

    StepBet<\/a> is an app created by WayBetter that allows you to reach your fitness goals by essentially placing a bet on yourself in a large pool with other people.<\/p>\n

    Like HealthyWage, StepBet works in a series of simple steps:<\/p>\n

    1. Get a personalized weekly step goal based on your previous activity levels.<\/li>\n
    2. Buy-in to a step-based challenge with other players that lasts six weeks.<\/li>\n
    3. Hit your weekly goal every week for the duration of the challenge.<\/li>\n
    4. Split the prize pool with the remaining players at the end of the challenge.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

      \"Stepbet-app\"<\/strong>The StepBet app tracks your steps through platforms such as Apple Health, Google Fit, and Fitbit, and your goal is calculated based on previous exercise data so your goal is realistic for you.<\/p>\n

      Most games have a $40 buy-in<\/strong>. Every week, you\u2019re assigned 3 main sections to stay on track with your goals:<\/p>\n