{"id":18759,"date":"2024-02-09T16:12:03","date_gmt":"2024-02-09T16:12:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/how-to-make-money-on-snapchat-6-peculiar-methods-with-potential\/"},"modified":"2024-05-24T19:42:14","modified_gmt":"2024-05-24T19:42:14","slug":"make-money-on-snapchat","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/make-money-on-snapchat\/","title":{"rendered":"How To Make Money On Snapchat – 6 Peculiar Methods With Potential"},"content":{"rendered":"

One of my best friends runs a digital marketing agency.<\/p>\n

He's a pro at Facebook and Google Ads, and I'm used to hearing from him about the campaigns he's running on those sorts of platforms (I used to be in the industry so I take an interest in these things still).<\/p>\n

Recently, we had a phone call where he told me he was trying something new: Snapchat ads.<\/p>\n

This got me thinking about this somewhat meme of a social media platform that now lives in the shadow of Instagram.<\/p>\n

Snapchat was huge back in my day (can I use this term yet?).<\/p>\n

But guess what…it's still massive, and <\/em>growing.<\/p>\n


According to Statista<\/a>, Snapchat is well on its way to reaching 250 million daily active users this year.<\/p>\n

Damn…perhaps this isn't just a long-forgotten app living in Instagram's shadow after all.<\/p>\n

So, today we're going to answer the all important question: how can you make money on Snapchat and what's the potential here for content creators and for making money online<\/a>?<\/p>\n

There's actually a surprising number of ways to monetize Snapchat, but first, let's have a quick refresher on everything this social media app is.<\/p>\n

What Is Snapchat & Why Does It Matter?<\/strong><\/h2>\n


Snapchat was founded in 2011 by former Stanford University graudates. Throughout its history, Snapchat has defnitely had some majors ups and downs.<\/p>\n

The app was originally designed to send photo messages that disappeared within 10 seconds. As you can imagine, this meant Snapchat had some…er…promiscuous uses.<\/p>\n

But the app wasn't just that<\/em>. In fact, it was so much more.<\/p>\n

I remember being in highschool when Snapchat was a must-download app.<\/p>\n

It didn't matter what sort of message you were sending; why send a text when you can send a snap?<\/p>\n

Snapchat carried its popularity throughout highschool and my time in college.<\/p>\n

Snapchat also started competing with Instagram<\/a> as Instagram basically started taking the best features of Snapchat and making them better (cue Instagram stories).<\/p>\n

Now, Snapchat has differentiated itself enough through things like BitMojis, snap streaks, and the app is still good<\/em>.<\/p>\n

I have no idea how people actually keep Snapchat streaks for more than 3 days.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Admittedly, Snapchat is less popular with my age demographic than apps like Instagram. However, I still know plenty of younger people who use the app everyday, and the active daily user growth doesn't lie.<\/p>\n

So, what does any of this history have to do with the ways to make money with Snapchat?<\/p>\n

Well, Snapchat is admittedly in a strange spot.<\/p>\n

It's not Instagram or Facebook by any means, but again, the user growth data doesn't lie.<\/p>\n

I think this means that ultimately, Snapchat is still a strong platform and perhaps even less competitive than larger social networks.<\/p>\n

So, with this strange positioning in mind, let's break down some of the ways to make money on Snapchat.<\/p>\n

1. Drive Traffic With Snapchat<\/strong><\/h3>\n

I've written an article on the best free traffic sources<\/a> before, and there's honestly a reason it doesn't contain Snapchat.<\/p>\n

Don't get me wrong: you can <\/em>drive traffic to a website or store with Snapchat. But, it's far harder to build a following on Snapchat than other social media platforms.<\/p>\n

Unlike platforms like Instagram or Pinterest where you can post photos with hashtags to rapidly expand your reach, Snapchat is way more manual. If people don't know where to find you or your snap name, you're pretty much out of options.<\/p>\n

This is why if you take a look at the top Snapchat influencers<\/a>, they're pretty much all famous celebrities:<\/p>\n

Throwback to the summer when DJ Khaled kept all of Snapchat alive.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Now, this doesn't mean Snapchat isn't a viable platform for pushing traffic. You can still post stories and get your followers to checkout your content.<\/p>\n

But, I view Snapchat as a teritary traffic source and it's something I'm not going to get into for a few years, if ever.<\/p>\n

If you're already making money on YouTube<\/a>, other social media platforms, or stream on platforms like Twitch<\/a>, you might as well add a Snapchat account to the mix, even if it's to slowly gain followers over time.<\/p>\n

Again, I don't think this is a viable method for making money with Snapchat if you don't have other platforms with a following.<\/p>\n

However, if you're established elsewhere, adding this social media platform to the mix could be worth testing.<\/p>\n

Extra Reading – How To Make Money With Pinterest<\/a><\/strong>.<\/p>\n

2. Test Out Snapchat Ads<\/strong><\/h3>\n

I recently tried an experiment where I sent Facebook traffic to one of my blog articles that is very affiliate heavy.<\/p>\n

And, to little surprise, it didn't work too well. This largely has to do with the CPC cost on Facebook and the fact that I wasn't willing to spend enough to gain meaningful data.<\/p>\n

I'll still try out paid traffic in the future, although I might take a look at Snapchat ads<\/a> instead.<\/p>\n

Image courtesy of Raleigh SEO.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Snapchat actually has tonnes of ad placement options and a pretty sleek interface. Somehow, these guys have been creating a pretty cool ad platform that just isn't being talked about that much.<\/p>\n

Some types of Snapchat ads include:<\/p>\n