{"id":18280,"date":"2024-02-09T15:55:44","date_gmt":"2024-02-09T15:55:44","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/young-money-interview-11-how-leila-balances-blogging-youtube\/"},"modified":"2024-05-24T19:40:52","modified_gmt":"2024-05-24T19:40:52","slug":"young-money-interview-11","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/young-money-interview-11\/","title":{"rendered":"Young Money Interview #11 – How Leila Balances Blogging & YouTube"},"content":{"rendered":"

If you're anything like me, you find it difficult to focus on just one <\/em>single thing.<\/p>\n

It doesn't matter if it's side hustling, hobbies, or just life in general. It's incredibly easy to get excited about a new project or goal and to have a thousand different things on the go simultaneously.<\/p>\n

Personally, I never feel as if there's enough time in the day to get everything done. I don't mind this feeling since I spend my days doing what interests me (freelance writing, blogging, spending time outdoors etc.) but the feeling is there regardless.<\/p>\n

Now, what I love most about the entrepreneur we are about to hear from is just how many amazing projects she has on the go and how she manages to balance everything. I think it can be easy to let entrepreneurial pursuits fall by the wayside as life becomes busier, but this story is certainly an exception to this!<\/p>\n

So, if you want to learn how Leila runs a successful blog and not one, but two <\/em>YouTube channels, stick around for this Young Money interview. Leila shares 5 crucial tips for other aspiring side hustlers at the end of this interview as well, so don't miss out!<\/p>\n

Extra Reading – Checkout Other Young Money Interviews<\/a>!<\/strong><\/p>\n

About Leila<\/strong><\/h2>\n


My name is Leila (pronounced Lay-la), I am 26, and I am a microbiologist by day and a small online business owner by night!<\/p>\n

I live a pretty simple and routine life that I\u2019ve grown to enjoy for the time being. I love working out, taking walks, cooking, reading, writing, and planning. <\/p>\n

I strongly believe and encourage personal development and it has become my greatest passion. Additionally, I\u2019m passionate about finances, veganism, and health.<\/p>\n

While I value my full-time job and the impact it may have in Public Health, my dream is to become an entrepreneur. The \u20189-5\u2019 life is not for me and I\u2019m so grateful to live in a time where we can make a living off of the internet.<\/p>\n

What Side Hustle Did You Start & Why?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

I've dabbled with plenty of different side hustles or ways to make money online<\/a>, but I definitely have a few main hustles.<\/p>\n


After graduating high school I started a YouTube channel<\/a> dedicated to beauty and other lifestyle topics. However, since I was in college and going through a new stage in life I wasn\u2019t very consistent with it.<\/p>\n

YouTube was kind of just fun for me. While I wanted to make money from it, that wasn\u2019t really happening. Eventually I stopped creating beauty videos and started to focus on more lifestyle videos (workouts, meal prep, money, vlogs). While I am consistent with my uploads, I still treat YouTube as a fun hobby.<\/p>\n


I've also created a second YouTube channel, which focuses solely on personal finance content. You can checkout my most recent videos for that channel here<\/a>!<\/p>\n

Extra Reading – How To Make Your First $100 On YouTube<\/a>.<\/strong><\/p>\n


Throughout my life I had always loved writing, and I had even created a blog through Blogger in the past. Again, I wasn\u2019t very consistent with this and it wasn\u2019t my best writing work. <\/p>\n

I would upload videos and write posts every so often, but wasn\u2019t earning money from blogging<\/a> at the time.<\/p>\n

About 3 years into college I knew I didn\u2019t want to live a \u201cmediocre\u201d life. This was when I started listening to Tony Robbins and Gary Vaynerchuk and learned that I can actually become an entrepreneur one day.<\/p>\n

So, in 2015 I created my blog, LivinglikeLeila.com<\/a>. I remember being so scared to tell anyone that I had started my own blog.<\/p>\n


At the time, I knew I wanted to make a profit from my blog, but I don\u2019t know what I would do with my free time otherwise. I love writing, I love creating, I love a finished product. I blogged and made videos basically for free for years, and that is how I know these things are just my passions.<\/p>\n

Living Like Leila now earns income. My blog was accepted into Mediavine, meaning my blog generates advertisement revenue every single month now. <\/p>\n

More recently I launched a self-discipline course, self-discipline\/time management\/productivity coaching, and a second YouTube channel dedicated to finances.<\/p>\n

Each of these things mean so much to me and my goal is to help people truly live their best life. I expect the most growth in these 3 areas this year.<\/p>\n

Other Side Hustles<\/strong><\/h2>\n

I\u2019ve dabbled in multiple side hustles: Patreon, flipping, Etsy printables, working as a Pinterest virtual assistant, etc. I constantly think of new ideas and I like to try things out.<\/p>\n

By experimenting with them, I usually find that I don\u2019t love doing them and then I can stop. I never invest too much money into these things so I don\u2019t feel bad giving them a shot!<\/p>\n

How Did You Scale your Side Hustles?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

I grew the most on both platforms by being consistent<\/em>.<\/p>\n

I publish my content and send my emails on the same days every week. For my blog, I also noticed more growth when I started writing longer posts (1500+ words) and creating multiple Pinterest images for each post.<\/p>\n

For YouTube I have grown the most by sharing more of my life and just being myself. People just like to watch other people\u2019s lives!<\/p>\n

For my second YouTube channel, I\u2019ve noticed my channel is growing much faster. I believe this is because it covers one specific niche rather than branching out on multiple topics. Promoting a second channel is also easier once you have established an audience on social media and YouTube initially.<\/p>\n


I would say one of the most exciting parts about being a blogger and YouTuber are the people I get to connect with. It still amazes me that strangers around the WORLD watch my videos and read my blog posts. <\/p>\n

Kind and supportive comments are still priceless, and I love when people tell me that I inspire or motivate them, since that ultimately motivates me.<\/p>\n

I know that one day I will be a full-time online business owner and that\u2019s really exciting. In 2019 I made about $6,000 from my online work and that\u2019s pretty incredible to me! That money allowed me to reinvest back into my business and pay off a bit of my debt.<\/p>\n

From 2018 to 2019 I increased by income by 6x. In 2020 I am hoping to do the same but I am aiming to make about $24,000 from my online business.<\/p>\n

Wins, Losses, & Challenges?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

I wouldn\u2019t say I have any huge wins, but I\u2019ll never forget those big moments throughout this journey such as: reaching 100K pageviews for my blog in a month, getting my first coaching client, and getting accepted into Mediavine.<\/p>\n

Throughout this journey I\u2019ve faced many challenges. The internet is filled with information and stories of other people achieving success from blogging or YouTube at a rapid rate, but that has not been the case for me.<\/p>\n

There have been multiple times where I\u2019ve thought about giving up, but I never will.<\/p>\n

My growth has been very slow and often plateaus. However, I have gained so much patience from this process and I\u2019m so grateful for what I have accomplished.<\/p>\n

Because I am multi-passionate AND someone who likes to do 10 projects at once on top of maintaining my health, relationship, personal development, etc., I\u2019ve realized that the success I want to achieve will take longer to reach and I am OK with that.<\/p>\n

Future Goals?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

I have many goals in life but in relation to my business and finances…<\/p>\n

My long-term goals (next 10 years) include:<\/strong><\/p>\n