{"id":17627,"date":"2024-02-09T15:35:45","date_gmt":"2024-02-09T15:35:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/is-tailwind-worth-it-my-tailwind-app-review-for-bloggers\/"},"modified":"2024-05-24T19:39:06","modified_gmt":"2024-05-24T19:39:06","slug":"tailwind-app-review","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/tailwind-app-review\/","title":{"rendered":"Is Tailwind Worth It? My Tailwind App Review for Bloggers"},"content":{"rendered":"

I've been trying to crack the Pinterest marketing code ever since I started blogging and have been trying to grow my monthly traffic.<\/p>\n

I spent a lot of time manually pinning resources from my blog, joining group boards, following other people in my niche, and creating eye-catching graphics that have the potential (I hope) to go viral.<\/p>\n

For the longest time, all of my efforts Pinterest marketing efforts resulted in barely any website visitors at all<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

After putting a lot of effort into a lackluster social media strategy that wasn't panning out, I finally decided to purchase Tailwind<\/a>, a useful Pinterest marketing tool, in late December.<\/p>\n

This is how my Pinterest blog traffic developed over the first few days:<\/p>\n


And this is how my Pinterest traffic is developing after a few months of tinkering with my pinning strategy and optimizing how I use the Tailwind app:<\/p>\n

September isn't even over yet and I'm on track to have 1,500+ sessions from Pinterest this month.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

I've gone from barely receiving any Pinterest traffic to getting 25-100 visitors a day<\/em>, and the traffic seems to be growing steadily.<\/p>\n

However, there are a few important things I think bloggers should know about Tailwind, and this software is not for everyone. <\/strong><\/p>\n

Contrary to what a lot of other bloggers in the space might promise, I believe the Tailwind app that should only be used in specific scenarios.<\/p>\n

Time to break down the truth behind this marketing tool in my official Tailwind review!<\/p>\n

What is Tailwind?<\/strong><\/h1>\n

Tailwind<\/a> is a marketing tool for Pinterest (and recently Instagram) that allows users to manage their Pinterest account from a centralized platform, saving Pinners time and helping to increase their reach.<\/p>\n

With the Tailwind app, it's incredible easy to schedule Pins to be published throughout the day<\/strong>, create an automatic ‘Smartloop' that continually publishes evergreen content, and to bulk upload new Pinterest graphics.<\/p>\n

In other words, it's a way to automate the manual process of creating Pins and posting them<\/strong> to your various boards.<\/p>\n


As you can see, I have 186 pins currently queued in my Tailwind schedule, and my pins consist of evergreen content I systematically re-pin throughout the month and new content I add or create.<\/p>\n

Theoretically, by consistently pinning every day and at optimal times, Tailwind will allow me to steadily grow my reach on Pinterest while driving traffic back to make money with my blog<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Most of the Pins I schedule with the Tailwind app are my own content and direct people back to WebMonkey, but many of the pins also come from some of the Tailwind Tribes I have joined.<\/p>\n

What are Tailwind Tribes?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Tailwind Tribes are the most powerful feature of using Tailwind<\/strong> in your Pinterest marketing efforts, and this is also how bloggers can successfully use Tailwind to drive traffic to their blog in a matter of days or weeks.<\/p>\n

Tailwind Tribes are groups of Pinterest members who create content in similar niches and have agreed to work together as a community.<\/p>\n

I've been able to publish plenty of viral pins <\/strong>thanks to Tailwind Tribes, and this has truly helped accelerate my growth on the platform.<\/p>\n

An example of a semi-viral pin. I'm now getting about one of these a week thanks to joining Tailwind Tribes.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

In the Tailwind app, you can access Tribes, which are basically community pools where people upload their Pins and select other ones to share.<\/p>\n

Most Tailwind Tribes have a ‘scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours' approach where Tribe members are expected to maintain a 1:1 ratio in terms of the content they upload to the Tribe (seeking shares) and the Tribe content they add to their Pinterest scheduler (giving out shares).<\/p>\n

This mutual agreement to grow alongside one another is how bloggers effectively use Tailwind to market their blogs on Pinterest.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Here is a small data set from my Tailwind Tribe results after using the platform for about a month and a half:<\/p>\n


You can also breakdown Tailwind Tribe effectiveness on a per-Tribe basis, which I recommend doing to keep track of which Tribes are the most effective for your Pinterest marketing efforts.<\/p>\n

What I find interesting is that in almost every single Tailwind Tribe, I receive more reach than I return <\/strong>even with share\/upload ratios of 2:1 or 3:1.<\/p>\n


I've received as much as 275K in reach from the Tribe ‘Bloggers Chalkboard', yet I have only contributed 27.4k in reach despite sharing almost 4x as much content as I have contributed.<\/p>\n

This truly indicates that small players have the most to gain from using Tailwind Tribes, <\/strong>and this is because Tailwind Tribes allow small Pinterest accounts to gain shares from some massive and already established Pinners.<\/p>\n


It's not uncommon for a pin to be shared by multiple people after you upload it to a Tribe, and many of the members you will encounter on Tailwind already have 1K+ followers on Pinterest and can instantly give you reach.<\/p>\n

Tailwind Price:<\/strong><\/h2>\n

While Tailwind pricing might seem straightforward on the signup page, there's a lot of hidden costs when you consider potential Tailwind Power Ups.<\/p>\n

So, how much does Tailwind cost?<\/p>\n


Well, at first glance Tailwind only costs $9.99\/month, and unless you operate a very large blog or have multiple team members, you don't need to venture beyond the Tailwind Plus plan.<\/p>\n

However, where Tailwind gets you with an up-sell is with their Tribe Powerups.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Tailwind Plus only gives members the opportunity to share 30 pieces of content to Tribes in a 30 day period, and since Tailwind Tribes are a main way bloggers can actually see results with Tailwind, this often isn't enough.<\/strong><\/p>\n

I realized this fact pretty quickly, and pretty soon I elected for the $9.99\/month plan plus a $119.88\/year Tailwind Tribes Max Power Up, which provides me with unlimited Tribe memberships and 200 submissions per month:<\/p>\n


There are plenty of other powerup levels as well where bloggers can gain even more Tribe submission slots or expand their Tailwind Smartloop automatic pinning system.<\/p>\n

Ultimately, this means Tailwind pricing can vary greatly depending on how much you use it.<\/p>\n

I recommend just starting out with the basic $9.99\/month plan to see if it is for you, but keep in mind, it may be worth investing in things like the Tribes Max Power Up or more Smartloop slots as you grow.<\/p>\n

Who Should use Tailwind?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Time to get to the main point of this Tailwind app review and to dispel some of the bullshit advice<\/strong> that is passed around on seemingly every blogging forum or group.<\/p>\n

If you've ever seen a thread that covers ways to generate blog traffic, you've probably seen some advice like this:<\/p>\n


Now, this advice is terrible for a few reasons.<\/p>\n

Firstly, pinning 200 or even 30 pieces of content to Tailwind Tribes requires you to actually have some content depth, and new bloggers will lack the article variety to take advantage of everything Tailwind has to offer.<\/p>\n

Secondly, getting results with Tailwind or Pinterest require time and effort, and the second you stop putting in work, you will stop receiving traffic.<\/p>\n

Bloggers who are just starting out should focus on SEO basics<\/a> and growing a foundation of organic traffic because this is the backbone of developing a successful blog<\/a>.<\/p>\n

What would happen if you put all your eggs in the Pinterest traffic basket, and an algorithm change or the growing state of competitiveness on Pinterest made all of your traffic disappear overnight…This happened to Facebook organic traffic and pages with thousands of likes, and I'm betting Pinterest will become pay to play in the next 2-3 years anyway.<\/p>\n

Finally, paying $200+ dollars a year on software when you are starting out as a blogger does not make sense.<\/strong><\/p>\n

If you are willing to spend the money and want to use social media as your primary traffic source then I say go for it, but otherwise, run a cost analysis to see if it is worth it.<\/p>\n

In order to judge if you can afford Tailwind or if you should buy it, I think you should consider if your blog is in a position to pay off the cost of Tailwind<\/strong> (and make a profit) within one year.<\/p>\n

Personally, I decided to buy Tailwind because:<\/p>\n