{"id":17274,"date":"2024-02-09T15:22:31","date_gmt":"2024-02-09T15:22:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/monthly-blogging-traffic-and-income-report-july-2018-135-88-and-growth\/"},"modified":"2024-05-24T19:38:40","modified_gmt":"2024-05-24T19:38:40","slug":"july-blog-income-report","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/july-blog-income-report\/","title":{"rendered":"Monthly Blogging Traffic and Income Report – July 2018 – $135.88 and Growth!"},"content":{"rendered":"

I always try to keep my blog reports concise, but then again, I do like a nice ramble!<\/p>\n

If you want to check out my previous blog reports, you can find them here<\/a> or under my Binge Reading page!<\/p>\n

In any case, July was both an exciting and dull month for WebMonkey depending on how you look at things.<\/p>\n

I was incredibly busy this past month with assignments and other school related drudgery, but I am thankfully almost out of the woods in that department!<\/p>\n

Unfortunately the time I spent on homework detracted from my blogging endeavors, hence the reduced number of posts in July.<\/p>\n

On the bright side, I was fortunate enough to have Shruti from IndianGirling post the first ever guest post on WebMonkey, which is something I wish to sparingly do from time to time to mix things up.<\/p>\n

If you want to check out Shruti\u2019s post, it's the post on social media tips to grow your blog. I highly recommend it!<\/p>\n

Aside from mixing it up with a guest post, I wish I could have written more content.<\/p>\n

However, I\u2019m planning some fun and new posts for the next few weeks, so be sure to stick around for what is yet to come!<\/p>\n

Blogging Traffic Stats and Growth<\/strong><\/h2>\n

One of the main reasons I started writing monthly blog growth and income reports was to provide a transparent look at what other content creators or bloggers can expect (or use as a benchmark).<\/p>\n

There are plenty of great bloggers out there who know how to market their blog through social media, email lists, or collaborations.<\/p>\n

I am not one of these bloggers.<\/p>\n

I\u2019ve always placed a greater interest in developing organic traffic because it is consistent, requires no effort on my part, and generally consists of highly interested readers who are seeking an answer to a specific query.<\/p>\n

Pinterest has proven to be an impossible nut for me to crack, and Quora\/Reddit are still the only significant source of social traffic I receive.<\/p>\n

Other than that, my blog traffic is almost 60% organically driven:<\/p>\n


I\u2019ve made an effort to drive more referral traffic through my Medium profile<\/a>, and that has slowly shown promise:<\/p>\n


I've mentioned Medium before in my guide on how to make money on Medium<\/a>, but seeing the traffic benefits from content syndication is definitely another plus.<\/p>\n

However, at the end of the day, my traffic still largely comes from Google.<\/p>\n

For other bloggers out there who are like me and suck at social media promotion, just remember: increasing organic traffic is a slow but steady investment that is worth your while!<\/p>\n

On that note, July was a nice month of blogging and saw another 30 days of excellent growth in the page view department.<\/p>\n

In July, I received 13,788 page views, <\/strong>meaning this blog is one step closer to reaching the 25,000 session mark for applying to Mediavine<\/a>!<\/p>\n


So, what has been working in terms of my blogging SEO efforts?<\/strong><\/p>\n

A few things:<\/p>\n