{"id":16910,"date":"2024-02-09T14:56:08","date_gmt":"2024-02-09T14:56:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/the-10-best-jobs-for-college-students-how-to-survive-student-life\/"},"modified":"2024-05-24T19:38:20","modified_gmt":"2024-05-24T19:38:20","slug":"best-jobs-for-college-students","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/best-jobs-for-college-students\/","title":{"rendered":"The 10 Best Jobs For College Students – How To Survive Student Life"},"content":{"rendered":"

It goes without saying that college can be a tough financial time for a lot of students.<\/p>\n

Tuition, textbooks, the cost of living, and maintaining a semblance of a social life is expensive. It isn't surprising that a tonne of college students go into debt, live paycheck to paycheck, or constantly stress over money<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Now, I was fairly broke for a lot of college. So were most of my friends.<\/p>\n

To get by, I used a variety of college side hustles<\/a>, started a blog<\/a>, and also worked for 3 years as a Starbucks<\/a> barista on my campus. A lot of my friends did the same sort of thing.<\/p>\n

Barista Tom in action back in 2015.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

College is a time where you should hustle, learn voraciously, and try something new.<\/p>\n

But, if you need to support yourself and put food on the table, that responsibility obviously takes precedent.<\/p>\n

If you're looking for ways to make money in college, please consider some of the following jobs for college students as a way to make ends meet.<\/p>\n

Trust me, I've tried\u00a0a lot\u00a0<\/em>of ways to make money as a student, and so did my friends. The following college job ideas are a great place to start if you don't know where to begin.<\/p>\n

Let's get to it!<\/p>\n

Why You Should Consider An Online Job As A Student<\/strong><\/h2>\n


Since this is WebMonkey after all, I'm going to start by outlining some of the reasons online work is the best sort of job for college students looking to boost their monthly income<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Obviously, if you desperately need money, you have to take what you can get.<\/p>\n

However, if you have some time to search, I'd recommend looking for an online job due to the following reasons.<\/p>\n

There are several benefits to finding an online job as a college student that beat working in retail.<\/p>\n

1. Time and Flexibility<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Many online jobs or contract based work enable you to set your own working hours and remain flexible.<\/p>\n

As a student, the ability to work around demanding class schedules or exams is also a blessing. Online jobs can enable students to earn decent money while also focusing on maintaining their grades.<\/p>\n

2. Payment<\/strong><\/h3>\n

While this is not always true, online jobs generally pay more money per hour than minimum wage jobs.<\/p>\n

Granted, online jobs for students can require a different set of skills and job hunting ability than working at a local restaurant, but the effort and skills you need for these job is reflected in the hourly pay.<\/p>\n

Personally, obtaining higher hourly pay was one of the greatest motivators that made me work a number of these jobs throughout school.<\/p>\n

3. Knowledge<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Pursuing higher education isn't just a means to and end or a way to find a job. Rather, furthering your education is really a way to learn new skills and develop as a person.<\/p>\n

By finding a challenging and rewarding online job to make money online throughout school, you can truly put your knowledge to the test and learn something along the way.<\/p>\n

I have learned far more about business, marketing, sales, and life by experimenting with work or challenges outside of the classroom. If college is a time to grow and expand your knowledge, working an online job can definitely help achieve that purpose.<\/p>\n

The Best Online Jobs for College Students<\/strong><\/h2>\n

If you're ready to jump into the world of online work, these are some of the jobs I recommend most often.<\/p>\n

1. Content Writing<\/strong><\/h3>\n


I cover content writing in my post on how to become a freelance writer<\/a>, and it's always my first recommendation in terms of jobs for college students.<\/p>\n

I've written content as a contract writer at different points in college, and I'm now a full-time freelance writer because of the experience.<\/p>\n

Businesses are always looking for help with their content marketing. Whether it's article writing, business blogging, or some other form of content creation, writing is always in demand.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, content writing jobs can teach you a variety of skills, including:<\/p>\n