{"id":15206,"date":"2021-01-17T22:48:30","date_gmt":"2021-01-17T22:48:30","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/?p=15206"},"modified":"2022-09-16T22:23:31","modified_gmt":"2022-09-16T22:23:31","slug":"semrush-vs-moz","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/semrush-vs-moz\/","title":{"rendered":"SEMrush vs. Moz"},"content":{"rendered":"

After creating a website and registering your domain name, there are about a million things to do. Creating and publishing content, improving your site\u2019s design and mobile compatibility, and enriching your site\u2019s SEO rankings<\/a> are a few of the most common battles creators face.<\/p>\n

Many online services have emerged out of this need to improve and simplify the site creation process. Some offer in-depth SEO tools to help your site reach more viewers, and some may rely on marketing functions and PPC tools<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Choosing the best service for your site can be challenging. If you\u2019ve been trying to decide between SEMrush<\/a> and Moz<\/a>, this brief guide may help you make your final decision. We\u2019ll be taking a moment to consider each service\u2019s features, advantages, and disadvantages before comparing them directly. Let\u2019s begin!<\/p>\n

SEMrush Overview<\/h2>\n

SEMrush is a service offering website creators and digital marketers a full range of virtual tools, many of which are geared toward SEO or PPC. As such, it could be a helpful one-stop-shop for all of your necessary site improvement and site marketing tools.<\/p>\n

Like many other such services, SEMrush offers users several service options. Each plan consists of a set amount of functions and features and costs a predetermined monthly price. Users could also choose to invest in an annual program that withdraws a single, full payment.<\/p>\n

The optimal plan for any potential user depends on the user\u2019s needs and preferences. For example, a small business owner new to website design and creation may benefit from the SEMrush Pro plan far more than the SEMrush Business plan, despite the name.<\/p>\n


The SEMrush Pro plan is the favorite SEMrush option for freelance workers and small businesses. It offers a moderate amount of services and tools, including up to three campaigns per month, 10,000 data rows per analytics reports, and up to 500 simultaneous keyword tracking functions.<\/p>\n

In total, users can enjoy more than 40 unique SEO and PPC tools to increase their site\u2019s ranking, visibility, and marketability. As such, the $100 may be relatively affordable, particularly for those hoping to grow their site over the coming months or years.<\/p>\n


Individuals that choose the Guru plan can enjoy a little more than those who\u2019ve chosen the Pro option. Instead of 10,000 data rows per analytics report, users can enjoy 30,000 data rows per report.<\/p>\n

This plan also includes access to historical site data, allowing subscribers to access historical data reaching back to 2012. With the Guru plan, you can experience a slight upgrade in the Pro plan\u2019s tools, particularly in usage.<\/p>\n

However, apart from the few additional functions described above, the Guru plan doesn\u2019t offer a ton of other features and extra tools. Those looking to enjoy the maximum amount of SEMrush\u2019s toolkit may want to choose the Business plan.<\/p>\n


The SEMrush Business plan costs about $399 per month. It includes everything offered in the Pro and Guru plans, plus some. For example, while the Guru plan offers 30,000 data rows per each analytics report, the Business plan provides 50,000.<\/p>\n

The Business plan also SEMrush PLA data for product listing ads, unlimited targets per project, Google Data Studio integration. Users could also choose to share with \u201cread-only\u201d access. As such, this plan may work best for larger businesses with heavy analytics needs.<\/p>\n
