{"id":15181,"date":"2020-11-12T17:27:49","date_gmt":"2020-11-12T17:27:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/?p=15181"},"modified":"2022-09-16T22:23:32","modified_gmt":"2022-09-16T22:23:32","slug":"constant-contact-vs-convertkit","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.webmonkey.com\/constant-contact-vs-convertkit\/","title":{"rendered":"Constant Contact vs. ConvertKit"},"content":{"rendered":"

No matter what type of website or blog you run, you likely already know how important it is to have a mailing list. By getting your site's visitors to join your mailing list, you stand a greater chance of converting them into customers. Once you've gathered a few email addresses, it's important to send regular, well-formatted emails to keep them in the loop.<\/p>\n

Whether you're new to mailing lists or you're looking to upgrade, there are some great companies to help you with your email marketing. Two of the best are Constant Contact<\/a> and ConvertKit<\/a>. Both companies offer a variety of features so that you can both organize and take your email marketing game to the next level.<\/p>\n

But which one is better? As with many of these, each of these companies can best fit the needs of different use cases. We've done the hard work and found out the best features – and the negatives – for each of these email marketing services. Read on to figure out which is best for you.<\/p>\n

Overview of Constant Contact<\/h2>\n

Constant Contact has actually been around since 1995. The business started in an attic and was designed to help small enterprises run email marketing campaigns that could compete with much larger businesses.<\/p>\n

The company has since expanded to offer help for several of your business needs. In addition to email marketing, Constant Contact also offers a website builder, online store setup, and help with social media marketing. With the addition of these new features, it seems that Constant Contact is dedicated to helping small business owners and website owners get their message in front of a broader audience.<\/p>\n

Constant Contact<\/a> is also centered around customer service. They offer plenty of options if you need help, including marketing advisors and technical support. They even provide services if you want a more hands-off experience, including personal advisors who'll do your marketing for you.<\/p>\n

What Are Constant Contact's Best Features?<\/h2>\n

Constant Contact is a good option for website owners who are ready to get serious about their email list. It offers some powerful features to take your email game to the next level and help you make conversions. Its additional features are also helpful for increasing your web presence.<\/p>\n

One Platform, Many Options<\/h3>\n

Constant Contact has recently added several new options for its users, including a web builder, eCommerce, and social media marketing. These features may work well for you if you like to have everything all on one platform. You can log in to one site and take care of your website, email, online store, and social media, all in one place.<\/p>\n

While this feature may be just what you've been looking for, if you're more technically inclined, you may prefer to use separate platforms for each of these elements, as you'll get more customization. Even if you only need an email marketing platform, Constant Contact is one of the best in the business and is a viable option.<\/p>\n

Drag and Drop Templates<\/h3>\n

One of the most important aspects of email marketing is creating professional-looking emails that are consistent with your other branding. Constant Contact makes it easy to create beautiful emails, even if you have no technical know-how. Their drag and drop templates let you design your emails just the way you want.<\/p>\n

You can also customize everything so that your emails are always on-brand. It's easy to change colors, fonts, and logos so that you can stay consistent for your readers. If you're the type who likes to customize everything and doesn't like to work from templates, Constant Contact offers that option as well.<\/p>\n

Email Automation<\/h3>\n

For the busy business owner, email automation is a must. Constant Contact lets you set up email automation to help save you valuable time. You can easily set up an email to welcome new subscribers – no need to keep an eye on your email to see who signs up.<\/p>\n

You can create triggered email series so that once someone joins your list, they'll regularly receive an email series. This feature is perfect for creating a sales funnel. If you want to customize even more, Constant Contact<\/a> has you covered. You can create email segmentation to target different groups on your list. You can also set up resends to people who don't open.<\/p>\n

List Management<\/h3>\n

Keeping track of your email list can be a pain, but Constant Contact helps you manage it in one easy place. You can upload your list from just about anywhere, including Excel, Outlook, and Salesforce. If you gather email addresses in several different places, such as on your website and various social media, Constant Contact captures them all and stores them in one place.<\/p>\n

Tracking Tools<\/h3>\n

Your email marketing campaign won't do you much good if you don't have any tracking tools to measure your success. Constant Contact has powerful tracking tools to help you throughout the entire email marketing process.<\/p>\n

Tools like click segmentation can help you to segment your lists and increase chances of conversions. Email open rates let you see just how many people are actually opening your emails. A heat map tool even enables you to track which of your links get the most clicks.<\/p>\n

Constant Contact makes it easy for you to keep up with your email marketing metrics and make adjustments accordingly. They even have an app that lets you check your data from your mobile phone.<\/p>\n

Dynamic Sign-Up Forms<\/h3>\n

Convincing potential customers to give you their email is tough, but Constant Contact allows you to create dynamic sign-up forms to place on your site. Their form editor lets you customize forms that are both attractive and on-brand.<\/p>\n

Overview of ConvertKit<\/h2>\n

ConvertKit is an email marketing software company aimed at creators like artists, bloggers, and musicians. Their motto is “the future belongs to creators,” and their goal is to help creators earn money online so that they can keep doing the things they love.<\/p>\n

Unlike many email marketing software companies, ConvertKit seems to be aimed at the individual instead of small businesses and larger organizations. They offer features like customized emails, automations, landing pages, and eCommerce to help users get their word out. The company has even more features coming down the pipeline, such as recurring payment options, color palettes, and split paths in automations.<\/p>\n

What Are ConvertKit's Best Features?<\/h2>\n

ConvertKit<\/a> has some great features to help you create emails that stand out from the crowd and make money from those emails. They also have automation capabilities and offer features to help you grow your list.<\/p>\n

Landing Pages<\/h3>\n

ConvertKit eliminates the need for a full website if you prefer something more straightforward. They offer a template editor that lets you create professional-looking landing pages. You can use these pages to help grow your email list.<\/p>\n

Free Downloads<\/h3>\n

One of the best ways to grow your email list is by offering free downloads. ConvertKit allows you to add a PDF download to landing pages and sign-up forms so that your new list members will have easy access once they sign up.<\/p>\n

Personalized Content<\/h3>\n

You can increase your chances of getting your email opened and read by customizing your subject lines and the body with personal information about your list members, such as their names or job titles. With ConvertKit, it's easy to set up and automate these personalizations, instead of spending time changing the information in each email you send.<\/p>\n

Email Templates<\/h3>\n

ConvertKit has an intuitive drag-and-drop template editor to let you quickly create emails and spend more time focusing on content creation. You can also make your templates mobile responsive and save images for easy access.<\/p>\n

You don't have to use HTML, but ConvertKit lets you use it if you want more customization options. You can also create several templates to use for different funnels.<\/p>\n

Digital Products<\/h3>\n

If you create digital products for sale, ConvertKit<\/a> lets you sell those products directly from your email or landing page. You can also create sales pages. You don't have to use other plugins or integrations, and your customers can make a purchase and get an instant download.<\/p>\n

Automated Sales Funnel<\/h3>\n

ConvertKit allows you to make an automated sales funnel so that you can convert your list members into customers. The whole process is automated, so you can create your sales funnel, and when new members sign up for your mailing list, they will receive messages in the funnel at customized times.<\/p>\n

Comparisons Between Constant Contact and ConvertKit<\/h2>\n

Constant Contact and ConvertKit offer similar pricing structures, but ConvertKit does offer a dedicated free option, while Constant Contact doesn't. Both increase in price as you get more subscribers.<\/p>\n

Much of your choice will come down to your personal needs, as opposed to whether one of the platforms is better per se. Constant Contact is aimed at small business owners who may have several revenue streams, while ConvertKit is made for creators. Their platform is designed for the individual and works well for those who don't want a website.<\/p>\n

Constant Contact is better for those who do want a full website and want lots of customization options. Their platform may be a better option for businesses that are growing.<\/p>\n

Constant Contact Pros and Cons<\/h3>\n
