golden hearts bingo&best online bingo websites No More Monkey Business Fri, 24 May 2024 19:38:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Investing – WebMonkey 32 32 The Simple Math Behind Starting A Side Hustle – Income Generation & Diversification Fri, 09 Feb 2024 15:30:49 +0000 I talk about side hustles a lot on WebMonkey. I think the world of online money making is generally interesting and fun, so I argue that starting a side hustle or developing new income streams is a worthwhile (and fun) endeavor for anyone to take part in. That being said, I understand that it can...

The post The Simple Math Behind Starting A Side Hustle – Income Generation & Diversification appeared first on WebMonkey.

I talk about side hustles a lot on WebMonkey.

I think the world of online money making is generally interesting and fun, so I argue that starting a side hustle or developing new income streams is a worthwhile (and fun) endeavor for anyone to take part in.

That being said, I understand that it can be intimidating to take the first step.

I was in the conundrum-camp just 9 months ago when I decided to give starting my own blog a shot. I also had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to start my own dropshipping business or when I tried (and failed) at shipping POD items on Etsy.

After succeeding and failing at a variety of businesses and ventures, I’ve ultimately learned that it doesn’t really matter as long as you are persistent.

Get as many irons in the fire as you can…throw things against the wall and see what sticks. That’s the name of the game when it comes to side hustling.

Eventually, you will find what works best for your given skillet and desires. I’ve launched blogs or Amazon affiliate websites before, but this is the niche and platform that has worked for me (it took a few years to find…I launched my first website when I was 16).

Anyway, I was recently having a conversation with a friend where I encouraged them to start their own Etsy shop.

Inevitably, the conversation touched upon 2 questions:

  • How much money could they make by opening an Etsy shop?
  • Would the whole thing be worth it?

After giving those questions some thought, I wanted to break down the simple math behind starting a side hustle in this post because I don’t think it is as complicated as people might think.

This post will contain:

  • The simple math behind starting and benefiting from a side hustle.
  • What side hustles help protect us from.
  • Side hustling for income diversification?
  • Some quick suggestions on how to make more money and financial independence.

Let’s get to it!

The Simple Math Behind Starting a Side Hustle – $50/Month

Before I get into the nitty-gritty details of this quick math, I want to outline what assumptions and tools I am using:

  • I am using this compound interest calculator from
  • I am assuming a current initial investment amount of $0.
  • I am assuming all of the money from side hustling is added to an investment portfolio each month (or that you contribute an equivalent amount to your portfolio if side hustle money is for paying off bills).
  • I am assuming a 5% annual return rate. This is a conservative estimate, and more than reasonable.
  • I am giving the portfolio 20 years to grow.

Now, let’s say you started a simple side hustle that started netting you $50 of income every single month.

This $50 might not seem like much, but then again, that’s $600 of extra income each year.

And when you plug in these numbers into the compound interest calculator…


Some pretty awesome returns come out!


It might sound absolutely crazy or even impossible, but if you invest $50 a month at a 5% annual rate of return, you will earn more than $8,000 in interest over 20 years.

Additionally, your investment portfolio as a whole would increase by more than $20,000; all from a simple $50 a month side hustle!

If you don't believe the math, just checkout the year-by-year breakdown:


The simple fact is that compound interest and time is the most powerful combination side hustlers have in their arsenal.

It doesn't matter if you are trying to reach financial independence or if you just want to make more money: investing and a long time frame are a killer duo!

So, what are some viable side hustle ideas for making $50 a month?

There are some very simple ones:

The Simple Math Behind Starting a Side Hustle – Other Income Levels

Alright, while making $50 a month from side hustling is a great start, it's also reasonable to expect that you can make more money and increase your portfolio worth.

Let's take a look at a few more monthly earning thresholds!

Earning $100/Month from Side Hustling


If you invested $100/month at a 5% annual rate of return, you would earn more than $16,5000 in interest in 20 years and reach $40,500 in portfolio value!

Some viable side hustles I would recommend to make $100 a month in additional income include:

  • Teaching English or other subjects online.
  • Offering local services in your city, like lawn care, shoveling snow, gardening help, etc.
  • Starting your own blog (it will take a few months to get running, granted, but if you check my recent income reports you'll see it is possible to earn $100-$300 a month from blogging within a year).
  • Start writing on Medium (frequently…ideally several times a week until your income starts to pick up).

Earning $300/Month from Side Hustling


If you invested $300/month at a 5% rate of annual return, you would earn almost $50,000 in interest over 20 years and see your portfolio grow to more than $120,000!

Granted, it might take some time for you to develop a side hustle to a $300/month point, but it is possible!

Realistically, these are some side hustle ideas I could see generating $300/month:

  • Finding work as a freelance writer (a lot of gigs can pay around $30/hour, so you would have to put in 10 hours a month to make $300).
  • Finding other types of freelance work (social media management, web development, etc.)
  • Selling products on Amazon (if you know what you are doing).
  • Dropshipping (if you know what you are doing).
  • Selling on Ebay (if you know what you are doing).

Earning $1,000/Month from Side Hustling

side-hustle-compound-interest-1000Alright, while this might be getting to the daydreaming phase for a lot of side hustlers, I think this $1,000/month benchmark really shows the power of compound interest in full.

Personally, earning 165K in interest from side hustle work sounds like a dream come true. While I am still a long, long way off this mark, the numbers certainly serve as a nice goal to work towards!

However, I think it is fairly unreasonable to expect someone that someone with a 40 hour work week can earn an additional $1,000/month from gig jobs or anything that pays a lower hourly rate.

To earn $1,000/month as a side hustle, I imagine you would have to:

  • Get into some sort of consulting on the side (SEO, digital marketing, project management, etc.)
  • Offer copy-writing services or do landing page work for businesses (these can be some high paying contracts).
  • Find some other way to offer a business your services, since businesses are more likely to have the capital to pay monthly contracts worth $1,000 or more.

Back in college, a colleague and I had $1,000 contracts for SEO and paid advertising work, and I have heard of copywriters earning some impressive amounts of cash.

Hell, even bloggers who dabble in sponsored posts can make a killing, so it is certainly possible to make the coveted $1,000/month mark with enough time and dedication.

But even if you can't make $1,000 a month in extra income, you see the point: any additional income can be immensely powerful when invested.

Now, while making extra money is always welcome, I also want to touch on a few other benefits of side hustling because this concept is much more powerful than just increasing your net worth.

Other Factors Side Hustles Protect us From

1 – Avoiding Debt or Paying Off Debt Faster

Due to life events or circumstances, not everyone is able to invest the extra money they make. This is absolutely normal.

However, earning even a bit of additional income every single month from a passive income source or side hustle can be immensely valuable.

While in school, I sold textbooks, did freelance digital marketing, started a blog, and entered marketing competitions to help make money in college.

Ultimately, that money went a long way in helping with the cost of tuition/textbooks and general life expenses.

Even a humble $50/month side hustle can help prevent $600 worth of debt each year, or cover an expense like a phone bill or part of the grocery bill.

And if you factor in the interest you end up paying on loans, each side hustle dollar that is spent on paying off debt or mitigating it in the first place is actually more valuable than the base dollar amount in a sense.

2 – Income Dips or Unemployment

I work at a digital marketing company where commission is a pretty important part of what I take home at the end of the month.

For anyone else in a commission-based job, seasonal work, or an industry that fluctuates with pay-rates, you know that income dips are just a fact of life…not every month will be the same.

Additionally, depending on what country you live in, health care or certain worker compensation laws may or may not assist you in the event you have to take extended amounts of time off from work.

And, finally, depending on your industry and the job market in your country, there are varying amounts of risk when it comes to losing your job entirely.

While I am a firm believer that honest, hard working people will always make it out okay at the end of the day, the simple fact is that one's income can take a sudden and unexpected hit for a variety of reasons.

In the worst case scenario, having additional income streams in your life can be a saving grace.

This is essentially income diversification 101, and if you can successfully develop multiple income streams, you are accelerating your path towards financial independence while simultaneously reducing your risks.

Even if a side hustle only bring in a few hundred dollars every now and again, you can use this money to help build up an emergency fund that will buy you more time in the event your income dips.

In a way, having a firmly established side hustle is like a financial safety net. The more money your side hustle produces, the better and wider your safety net is!

3 – Stagnant Growth & Lack of Learning

I once had an internship at an insurance company where I was a ‘Ratings Tester'.

In the job description, it said I would be helping the company improve upon their current insurance policy rating system, as well as devise some new components for how the company would develop new plans.

In reality, I spent 4 months making fake people in an imaginary script-based world, assigning them wonky insurance policies, and trying to break the system. It was pure quality assurance work and brute-force bug testing at its finest.

Needless to say, I was miserable.

I also wasted an internship, and didn't learn anything useful beside the fact that I will never work in insurance as long as I live.

However, while I was forced to toil away at the world's shittiest version of The Sims video game for 8 hours a day, at night, I did my own thing.

It was at this time I started doing freelance digital marketing, reading about passive income, and brainstorming money making ideas to try.

Spending time on the things I was actually interested in brought enjoyment into my life, taught me a variety of new skills, and helped keep me sane.

If you are ever caught in a period of time where you are not learning or have become stagnant, starting a side hustle is an immediate way to remedy the issue.

Even if you are currently employed at a job that isn't unbearable, if you aren't consistently learning new skills and honing your talents, you are losing a competitive advantage to the people who are putting in the extra work.

When in doubt, look to Elon.

Your side hustle can even accomplish more than simple income generation.

If the skills you learn from starting your own business or online venture complement the skills you need to do your job, you might even become a more valuable employee.

Or, in an even cooler scenario, the skills you develop from starting a side hustle might allow you to receive a promotion at work or suggest new ideas that benefit the company you work for.

For college students who still have to enter the job market, this concept is even more important.

Unless you are in engineering, some science, or a trade, I believe colleges are generally doing a poor job at teaching students any hard skills (or even how to think…but don't get me started on this).

I'm finishing my degree in Psychology/Marketing, and if I hadn't had internships or side hustles, I wouldn't know a damn thing!

Starting your own business or trying to make more money in college will make you more prepared and qualified to enter the workforce, so make the most of of your college years and learn through trial by fire.

Final Thoughts on Side Hustle Math

While starting your own business or attempting to make money online can seem daunting at first, I think it is important to remember a few important things:

  • It's alright to start out small.
  • Your side hustle income doesn't need to replace your full-time income.
  • Investing your additional income or paying off debt faster are some of the most important things you can do, financially speaking.

Even if your side hustle never amounts to more than a humble $50/month income boost, make it happen.

It is impossible to grow or develop new skills without putting in any effort, and you might be surprised at where you end up after putting in some time.

And one more thing…don't forget to have fun!

If you want to take your side hustle money and go out for a nice dinner or buy someone a thoughtful gift, go for it.

I think it is easy to get lost in the calculators and long-term picture, and all too easy to forget that life isn't just about reaching financial independence as fast as you can.

Sometimes, you just need to treat yourself or the important people in your life to new things and experiences.

I hope you have enjoyed this post, and thank you to everyone who stuck around to the very end.

Catch you all in the next post!

The post The Simple Math Behind Starting A Side Hustle – Income Generation & Diversification appeared first on WebMonkey.

How To Make Money With Domain Flipping – A Unique Side Hustle Idea Fri, 09 Feb 2024 15:22:31 +0000 Did you know that after Q1 of 2019, there were over 350 million domain names registered in the world, and that domain registration rates have grown by 5.4% year over year? The internet is an incredible place, and every day, thousands of domain names are bought and sold at auction in the world of cyber...

The post How To Make Money With Domain Flipping – A Unique Side Hustle Idea appeared first on WebMonkey.

Did you know that after Q1 of 2019, there were over 350 million domain names registered in the world, and that domain registration rates have grown by 5.4% year over year?

The internet is an incredible place, and every day, thousands of domain names are bought and sold at auction in the world of cyber real estate. It's truly remarkable if you think about it.

Additionally, if you have a bit of know-how and patience, it's even possible to make money by buying and selling domain names.

If you're looking to learn more about this unique way to make money online and how to flip domain names for profit, read on!

What is Domain Flipping?

Domain flipping is a money making method that involves purchasing domain names and then reselling the names for a profit.

You may have heard of people who flip houses as a side hustle. Well, domain flipping is basically the real estate game of the internet.

A lot of guides assert that domain flipping is a quick game, but this isn’t necessarily true. Some domains can remain for sale for a number of months/years before the holder makes a profit, whereas some flips quickly.

Additionally, like the real estate market, domain names can carry a hefty price tag.

Check out this list from GoDaddy on the most expensive domain names ever sold:


This list also omits the sale of, which allegedly sold for $872 million dollars based on SEC filings.

As you can see, people don't mess around when it comes to purchasing the perfect domain name for their website or business!

What Makes a Domain Name Profitable?

If you look at the above list, you’ll also notice a commonality among these valuable domain names: they are mostly single word domains or short letter phrases.

This is a common trend across pretty much any niche or industry when it comes to domain name value.

Some characteristics of valuable domain names include:

Length: 3-4 letter domain names are inherently valuable because it is impossible to register more of these domain names, and many of these domains can serve as exact matches for brands or companies.

Age and Authority: Aged domains typically have greater domain authority due to their age and the potential they’ve had for gaining backlinks over the years.

Brand-Ability: or some random 4 letter combination isn’t the easiest domain to transform into a brand… or on the other hand have potential.

Domain Extension: .com domains are the most valuable domains around, but .org, .net, and some newer extensions like .io are still capable of putting up some impressive valuations.


Considering these value-adding factors is one of the most important parts of successfully flipping domain names.

The nature of what potentially makes a domain valuable also leads to 2 main domain flipping strategies: topic based domain buying, and exclusivity based domain buying.

In other words, domains are either considered valuable if they are excellent names for a topic/niche/business or because they are rare/impossible to register again (like 3-4 letter combos).

Here are some examples of each domain flipping tactic:

In his interview with Domain Sherpa, expert domain flipper Ali Zandi outlines some of his first successful domain name flips, which included:

  • CupcakeFrosting
  • ExoticCarAuction

Zandi also reached over $400,000 in sales after 7 months of domain flipping based on Flippa transaction records, reaching the title of Super Seller on Flippa.

As you can see, none of these flips involved profiting from extremely rare, 3-4 letter combo domains. However, flippers like Steven McDonald and others aren’t afraid to go down that path.

Take a look at some domain flipping results mentioned in this Forbes article:

  • – purchased for $620, sold for $12,000.
  • – sold for unknown amount
  • – sold for unknown amount
  • – sold for $202,000

So, as we can see, there is money to be made in the rare domain name sphere as well.

How to Start Domain Flipping – Finding Expired Domain Names

The sheer size of the internet has created a very saturated domain marketplace in which it is practically impossible to register 3-4 letter combos, single word, or even popular double word domain names.

So, if you want to go the route of flipping rare domain names that will have inherent value off the bat,?you usually have to buy expired domain names.

There are a number of marketplaces where you can find expired domain names and acquire them. However, unlike the guy who managed to buy for a minute, expired domain names rarely fall into your lap.


Expired domains start out as domains that are not going to be renewed. This happens frequently as people forget to renew their domain names or don’t want to spend the money.

When this happens, the domain registrar will grant a 30 day period in which the owner can still renew their domain.

Following this period, the domain name becomes ‘expired’ and is then entered into auction by the domain registrar.

Bidding typically lasts 7 days, and the highest bid wins. It’s as simple as that.

Extra Reading – The Best Items To Flip.

What to Look for When Buying Expired Domains

While domain rarity and appeal are subjective metrics you should consider, they don’t tell the entire story of a domain.

Here are a few key factors to consider when buying an expired domain name:

Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA)

Domain Authority is a SEO metric that was developed by Moz.

DA is meant to estimate how effectively a website can rank on search engines, and grants domains a value between 1-100 (with 100 being the best score).

Domain authority is a metric that evaluates an entire website, whereas Page Authority is page specific.

Age can have an influence on these metrics (the longer a website exists, the more chances there are to establish backlinks, social signals, trust, etc.) but age is NOT the entire picture.

You shouldn’t buy a domain just because it is 3 letters and 15 years old…do your homework!

You can research domain authority and page authority metrics by using the Link Explorer feature on



As I mentioned, buying expired domain names is a popular tactic webmasters use when launching a new website because of the existing backlinks old domains can carry. However, not all expired domains possess a high number of backlinks, and total backlink count doesn’t mean squat if the links are of terrible quality.

When examining a potential expired domain to flip, you need to dig into the backlink/SEO profile of the domain.

2 main warning signs include:

  • A high number of spammy backlinks.
  • A suspiciously high number of backlinks from some related niche websites that are low quality. In my opinion, this could be an indicator that the domain name was using a Private Blog Network (PBN) service or their own PBN to boost their authority.

You can pay for a research tool liks Semrush, Ahrefs, or many other popular choices to check backlink quality, or you can use a combination of the free ones to get a general sense of backlink quality.


While domain names like have probably only been used for car related websites, 3-4 letter domain names could have been used for anything.

Even if you are buying a domain name that is obviously for a niche/industry, you should investigate what else has used that domain name.

To check the history of a website, use allows you to research 333 billion records of web pages that have been saved throughout the years.

For aged/rare domain names, you might find quite an extensive history:


Learning more about an expiring domain's history can prove vital for the final part of your domain vetting process!

Check for a Google Ban or Adsense Ban

Many webmasters buy expired domains to start an authoritative niche website or add to their PBN because expired domains can carry authority.

However, if the domain name has been banned from Google Adsense or Google in general, this would be a complete turnoff for any potential investors you’d be trying to flip the domain over to.

To check an expired domain’s ban history, use:

Where to Find and Buy Expired Domain Names or Other Domain Names

There are dozens of popular websites out there where expired domain auctions occur, and I’m going to share some brief information on each one.


DomCop is a frequently referenced platform domain flippers use for research.

For $56/month, you are able to view an extensive database of expiring domains that includes relevant metrics such as DA/PA, backlinks, Trust Flow (a Majestic Metric), domain age, Ahrefs information, and more:

This is just preliminary information: you can dig further into expiring domains.


You can also use DomCop to?research dropped domains (these are domains that have been deleted from the domain registry and are available for anyone to buy through backorders or a drop catching service)…this is essentially buying an ‘expired' domain, not an ‘expiring' domain.


On ExpiredDomains, you can either buy expired domains on backorder, or simply register a deleted domain name just like you would register a fresh domain name (with a service like GoDaddy or SiteGround):


Both the expired domain and deleted domain section provide some handy domain metrics to consider:

The metrics are slightly different than DomCop, and include information such as total backlink count, backlink count from unique webpages, domain DNS status, and number of related domain names.

Ultimately, you'd want to do more research on a potential domain name to flip beyond just looking at these metrics, but this is still a decent start.

Besides, once you can register for free!

Domain Hunter Gatherer

Domain Hunter Gatherer is somewhat unique in the world of domain flipping because it is a software service, not a website.


Now, the free version of DHG is just an?auction scraper.

This is nice because it can allow novice domain flippers (like myself) to research what domain names are hot on the market, what value these domain names have, and how the marketplace functions.

DHG also provides current bid data, bid end dates, domain age, buy-it-now pricing (if available), and useful metrics like DA/PA, social shares, Tust Flow, and Alexa/SEM/Ahrefs stats:


Searching via keyword to find niche-specific expired domains is also easy with DHG.

Ultimately, I think this free domain hunting tool offers a great way to start buying and selling domains if you are a beginner.

Other Domain Research Tools:

There are dozens of other free and premium websites/tools you can use to research and buy expiring/expired domains.

Some popular options include:

  • freemium tool that offers a handy solution to search for domains using keywords and relevant filters.
  • simple way to get in on expired domain auctions or backorder domains.
  • deleted domain names.

Is Domain Flipping Profitable?

If you registered or 15 years ago, this obviously isn't a question that's hard to answer. However, a valuable asset isn't a guaranteed flipping opportunity.

Additionally, the world of domain flipping has a steep learning curve, is immensely competitive, and can require years of patience to finally make a successful flip.

To give a glimpse of some successful and unsuccessful domain name flips, I'll provide 2 historical references.

Example 1 – sold for $605:


Here’s an example of what I think is 1 successful flipper selling a domain name to another flipper. is a 4 letter, aged domain that also asserts authority in the European virtual reality market. This website was purchased 41 days ago but still has no active website (it just redirects to a Flippa landing page).

Therefore, I assume the new owner of this domain is just going to hold on to this domain name until some European virtual reality company decides to pay a few thousand dollars for it.

Virtual reality technology is continuing to grow, so betting on an increase in demand on this domain name seems like a decent idea.

As for the seller of, he probably made a nice profit judging by his Flippa records and current listing that are also receiving bids and attention:


Clearly this guy is used to domain flipping seeing as he has grossed over $21,000 from flipping websites.

I think this example provides a general idea of the marketplace…

A guy buys a domain name that has some potential, and he flips it for a profit to someone else, who either builds a website off of the domain name or just flips it to the next person.

And so, the earth keeps spinning.

I mean, sometimes it can take years – check out this flip on

zoma domain name sale was purchased for $1,510 in 2006, and then sold for $11,200 earlier this year!

I don’t know if the domain name unofficially changed hands between 2006 and 2018 or if a single owner was holding onto the domain, but in any case, that’s a $10,000 gain over 12 years.

That’s a far better return than if that $1,500 had sat in an index fund at 7% annual return for 12 years…although the risk is far higher.

That's another flipping success story, but?what happens when that second buyer never comes to the table?

Example 2 – was a quick domain flipping attempt gone wrong: was sold on July 3rd, 2017 for $16,000…after it was purchased 4 months earlier for $20,500:

domain flipping loss is currently the domain name for a yacht and luxury property group, so it seems this specific domain has reached the end of its flipping days for the time being.

I assume the owner of had a sudden need for cash to accept this sort of domain flipping loss, but this does show that domain flipping isn’t a get rich quick endeavor.

In fact, I am almost certain that most people will lose money on the first few attempts.

Domain flipping is NOT a get rich quick business. For most people, it probably isn't a get rich slowly business either.

If you really want to get started with domain flipping,?start out slow and small. You don't need to buy $1,000's of dollars worth of domain names from the get go or invest in premium domain hunting tools.

Just stick to the free tools, and keep things simple.

If you read the Ali Zandi interview I mentioned earlier, you'll see that's exactly what Zandi did.

He started out slowly, purchased 10 relatively cheap domains,?and he didn't continue the side hustle until those 10 domains sold for profit.

I think that setting hard limits for your own budget, auction ceiling, and how fast you want to make money is very important to do before you even start domain flipping.

Extra Reading –?Read our Flippa review to learn more about this leading marketplace!

Final Thoughts on Domain Flipping

You can get rich by domain flipping, but you can also lose a lot of your money (and this is more likely to be the case). Like any risky investment opportunity, you should never risk more money than you can afford to lose, and you must always do your homework.

I also encourage you to read more guides on domain flipping, interviews, and general info/terminology in the industry before getting started.

I've just scratched the surface on how to flip domain names, but this side hustle isn't an exact science that can be summarized in a single post. However, if you're willing to work and take some risks, you might be able to diversify your investment portfolio with a bit of internet real estate!

The post How To Make Money With Domain Flipping – A Unique Side Hustle Idea appeared first on WebMonkey.
